

Common questions and AASHTO re:source Technical Exchange update

In this post we will be going over common questions that are frequently asked, but first, I have a few quick comments about the recent AASHTO re:source Technical Exchange that is held annually. This conference should be on every quality manager’s calendar and considered a MUST ATTEND. The sessions are fun, interactive, informative and led […]

Benefits of satellite labs

Does your company have multiple laboratory locations that may or may not be accredited? Managing and assuring quality can be a challenge if there isn’t a standardized system and process in place within your company. Far too often, I see companies that allow their laboratories to operate autonomously, which can ultimately lead to confusion and […]

2023 year-end wrap up, ASTM and more

In the latter part of 2023, we formed an R18LabQMS Collaboration Team (CT) to assist in the process of finalizing a proposal for the next upgrade to the application scheduled to be launched in Q2 2024. The CT is made up of long-time power users who have contributed significantly to the process, and who will […]