
Equipment Procedures

Lab Inventory &


Maintenance Procedures


  1. Cal/Check/Standard Procedures
  2. Building Your Inventory

Cal/Check/Standard Procedures

Video Test

The following is the same for both

(Left Tab) Manage Lab / cal-check-stand Procedures / + Procedure

When creating a new procedure you are doing the following;

– Procedure Name

– Internal Number

– Procedure Type

– Description

– Frequency

– ASTM Procedure

– ASTM Procedure

After creating the basic information on a specific procedure you now create or provide a form/document for that procedure. To clarify the information that is required for a procedure I will use a dynamic shear rheometer, an instrument that is used to measure the stiffness of asphalt as various test temperatures. On this instrument, there is a “temperature calibration” that is required for each test temperature used, standard fluid check, and plate measurements.

In the “form creator” on the admin side we have created this form for the dynamic shear rheometer. All procedures created in the admin are “system level procedure” and available to all labs, you can also make an “editable copy” (individual labs) to edit the procedure, marked “internal”.

There are 2 options for providing forms;

  1. Upload a file (spreadsheet/doc) that the lab may be currently using. This is located at the bottom of the + Procedure,Template File: upload file.
  2. Edit Form –This is the form creator as part of the application located just below “upload a file” at the bottom of the + Procedure.

NOTE: either option can be used or both.

Example of a procedure used;

– If a procedure has a file attached (uploaded by lab) it will be located in the top portion of the procedure,

– Just below there will be a “file upload” option

If the there was a form created (within the application) this will be located below


Once a + Procedure has been created and saved the procedures are attached/added to the appropriate equipment.

Adding Procedures to equipment;

➢ Manage Lab / Equipment / Manage This Category / + New Equipment

Building Your Inventory

Start building under the Manage Lab tab (Video)

1) Create Cal/Check/Standard & Maintenance Procedures or make editable copy of procedure for the piece of equipment.

2) Create Equipment or make editable copy of equipment under Equipment.

3) Add equipment into your Lab Equipment Inventory from Equipment list.

Manage Lab Categories

1) Edit Lab Information

2) Lab Equipment Inventory

3) View AMRL Requests

4) Maintenance Procedures

5) Cal/Check/Standard Procedures

6) Equipment

7) Equipment Manufacturers

8) Equipment Categories

9) Test Methods

10) Test Method Categories

11) ASTM Standards

12) AASHTO Standards

13) Organizational Chart

14) Positions

Performing Calibration/Check/Standardization or Maintenance Procedures

1) Completing a Calibration/Check/Standard Procedure

2) Completing a Maintenance Procedure

1) How to Create Equipment Cal/Check/Standard & Maintenance Procedures (Video)


These equipment procedures are used to perform routine maintenance and calibrations on pieces of equipment in your laboratory. The procedures created maintain the frequency to which the piece of equipment requires maintenance or a calibration, along with a description of the procedure, any AASHTO or ASTM standards associated with the equipment, and the ability to create a procedure form or attach a template file with the requirements to complete the procedure.

There are already default procedures on some equipment that have been created on the Administration level that are available for all labs to use. These default procedures can be made editable for your own lab in Cal/Check/Standard Procedures or Maintenance Procedures under the Manage Lab tab. A copy of the procedure labeled ‘internal’ will appear and can be edited specifically for your equipment.

For each procedure, a Template File and Procedure Form may be used for calibration and maintenance procedures. After uploading a template file when creating a new procedure, you will have the ability to create and edit a Procedure Form to contain any information required for the equipment procedure.


• Terminology

– Procedure Form – created by the user on the R18LabQMS software, that is used to complete the calibration or maintenance procedure. The form may provide information on how to perform the calibration, a checklist to follow to complete equipment maintenance, and a place to enter in equipment verification data.

– Template File – a file that is currently being used in your lab to perform maintenance or calibration procedures, or both. This can replace the Procedure Form, or be used in addition to the Procedure Form.


• Creating a Cal/Check/Standard or Maintenance Procedure

1) In the Cal/Check/Standard Procedures list, click + New Procedure to create a new procedure

2) Enter information for the following:

a. Procedure Name

b. Internal Number (designated in-house procedure number)

c. Procedure Type (Cal/Check/Standard only)

d. Description

e. Frequency (AASHTO R18 Annex A1 contains a list for maximum intervals on equipment calibration)

f. Related AASHTO and/or ASTM Standards (Cal/Check/Standard only)

g. Template File (Optional)

3) Click Save to confirm the information entered

a. If no Template File was added after clicking Save, you will be taken to the form creator/editor screen to create a Procedure Form

b. If a Template File was added, then you will be taken to the Equipment Procedure page.


2) How to Create a Piece of Equipment (Video)


The Equipment category is a general listing of equipment used in labs that may or may not be specific to your lab. Though you may have multiple pieces of equipment with the same model, items in this list is a catalog of individual equipment models. Your Lab Equipment Inventory will be where you have multiple pieces of equipment with the same model.

Once items have been added to this section you will then be able to build your lab inventory from the items you have created, as well as those currently in the system. When creating a new equipment item you will enter in the manufacturer, model number, equipment image, life expectancy, and equipment category for that piece of equipment. This is also where you will choose the equipment’s maintenance and calibration procedures that will be routinely performed on that item.


• Creating New Piece of Equipment

1) In the Equipment category, click + New Equipment to create a new piece of equipment

2) Enter in the following information for that item:

a. Equipment Name

b. Equipment Mfg (from list of equipment manufacturers or add new manufacturer)

c. Equipment Category (from list of equipment categories or add new category)

d. Model Number

e. Life Expectancy

f. Maintenance Procedure

g. Cal/Check/Standard Procedure

h. Equipment Image (from file)


If a piece of equipment exists in the Equipment category that is in your lab and no changes are required, it can be immediately added to your inventory. If there is existing piece of equipment that you have in your but wish to make changes to the item or use different maintenance and calibration procedures, click “Make Editable Copy” and an internal copy of the equipment will appear in your equipment list editable for changes.

3) How to Add Equipment to Lab Equipment Inventory (Video)

The Lab Equipment Inventory category is the inventory of equipment currently in your lab. If you have multiple pieces of equipment with the same manufacturer and model number, you will add these to the inventory separately. Each piece of equipment listed is added from the equipment created in the Equipment category. When adding the equipment, you will select Cal/Check/Standard and Maintenance dates for completing the appropriate procedures which reoccur to the frequency set when creating each Cal/Check/Standard and Maintenance Procedure. Purchase information about the equipment will also need to be entered such as the cost, purchase and in-service dates, and serial number.

• Add Equipment to Lab Equipment Inventory

1) In the Lab Equipment Inventory category, click + Lab Equipment to add a piece of equipment to the inventory

2) Enter the follow information required for the item:

a. Select Equipment Name from dropdown menu

b. Select Equipment Condition Received from dropdown menu

c. Serial Number

d. Cost (if applicable)

e. Purchase Date

f. In-Service Date

g. Age (at time of purchase or in-service date)

h. Next Cal/Check/Standard Date

i. Next Maintenance Date

Manage Lab Categories

1) Edit Lab Information

2) Lab Equipment Inventory

3) View AMRL Requests

4) Maintenance Procedures

5) Cal/Check/Standard Procedures

6) Equipment

7) Equipment Manufacturers

8) Equipment Categories

9) Test Methods

10) Test Method Categories

11) ASTM Standards

12) AASHTO Standards

13) Organizational Chart

14) Positions




[tabgroup] [tab title=Equipment icon=”icon-pencil”] Equipment should be managed by…

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[/tab] [tab title=Cal/Check icon=”icon-envelope”] Here’s another bit of copy [/tab] [/tabgroup]