

New Software Release — Update v1.7

We are coming up on the end of the year and we are looking ahead with a new software release for the R18LabQMS® application. We are excited to announce the release of this new update and believe that it’s new features will highly benefit the overall application experience.

Here’s a video of the v1.7 updates

(Link: YouTube)

New Technician Evaluation Tab!
A Technician Evaluation tab is now located on the left-hand menu of the application. You can easily manage all users evaluations and employee certifications (New Feature to v1.7) in a convenient and organized accordion file system. Create new training records and certifications for any employee, evaluated by any manager (New Feature to v1.7) all from the same tab. The new Technician Evaluation tab should make adding multiple training files more efficient and less time consuming.

For New Subscription Accounts and New Satellite Labs
In this release the software setup process has improved by including a more fluid section selection to allow you to move more easily throughout the setup. This release also includes a new summary page at the end of you laboratory setup providing you with details on how much of the Quality Manual you were able to complete during the setup, as well as helpful steps on establishing your laboratory equipment and procedures, users, and for completing your QM.

Customize the Quality Manual
You can customize the sections of the QM to fit the needs of your QMS. You can add title sections, text and file upload sections wherever you need additional spots in your QM. The sections you add to the QM are identical in function to other sections in the QM, however you can edit the section number at any time and delete added sections as well.

As always, we look forward to hearing from you on any feedback, issues, or improvements you may suggest. All our updates to the application are based on user experience and suggestions.

Contact Us any time!

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays

Zack McKay
Software Analyst & Support
