

R18LabQMS – other quality standards and practices

R18LabQMS – other quality standards and practices

AASHTO R18 is only one of many quality standards that laboratories follow to meet the requirements of accreditation. R18LabQMS specifically follows the guidelines of AASHTO R18, however other quality standards can be implemented within the quality manual with a little ingenuity.

Other quality standards used with construction materials laboratories are ASTM, for example. While there are many similarities from one quality standard to the next, there are subtle differences that are specific to each one that relates to that standard. 

Currently, within R18LabQMS you can insert additional quality standard requirements by adding ‘custom sections’ within your quality manual. However, because there is not a step-by-step guide (guard rails) with all requirements when adding custom sections, that is up to the user to determine.

On the horizon

We are now in the process of evaluating and implementing other quality standards as part of R18LabQMS under the quality manual tab and as part of our next upgrade. This upgrade has been on the drawing board for some time now and is moving forward because of user growth and support. After plans have been finalized, this upgrade will have a Q1 2022 launch date.


AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials) are material and testing standards typically used in bridge, highway construction and repair. Unlike ASTM, there is no direct involvement within the industry. 

ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) are standards used by manufacturers to define the properties needed in the products they manufacture.

User question

Q: I’m frustrated with knowing how to add equipment procedures, we may have added the wrong ones. Can you help?

A: Let’s resolve that frustration. Equipment procedures could be a complete video series and arguably the most important. When adding equipment procedures to the equipment you have three options: 1) Make a copy; 2) Add Existing; 3) Create New Procedure. From there you would then create or add the procedure form as needed. The issue here was the user was finding existing admin procedures that are generic in nature and would need to be updated for their specific lab. We are in the process of cleaning up old and defunct procedures that are no longer useful. More on this in upcoming blog entries.

Resources and training opportunities

Once you work through the setup process, the following links can be found in the lower right-hand corner of the application;

  • Support
  • R18 Blog
  • Virtual Training (1 hour or less, no fees), contact us for an appointment
  • Extensive Virtual Training – Fee-based, please inquire.
  • 1 Full Day in your lab onsite – Fee-based, please inquire.

Upcoming meetings

All travel to industry meetings will be assessed on their scheduled dates, 2021-22 is looking good. 

SEAUPG (Southeastern Asphalt User/Producer Group)

November 16-18, 2021, Knoxville, TN

Please check out our most recent promotional R18LabQMS video that debuted on all socials and at the 2021 AAPT annual meeting in Nashville.

For all questions regarding your Quality Management System, whether your lab is accredited or not, please contact us and learn how R18LabQMS can add value to your company.

Gary Irvine
R18LabQMS Program Manager
