

[column width=”1/3″ place=”none” ] [feature color=”blue” title=”Simplify your accreditation process” icon=”/wp-content/themes/r18labqms/images/r18_images/features_img_3.png”]With a web based intuitive management tool through a set-up process and a dashboard to manage updates.[/feature] [/column] [column width=”1/3″ place=”none” ] [feature color=”gray” title=”Stay In Compliance” icon=”/wp-content/themes/r18labqms/images/r18_images/feature_img_2.png”]With email reminders addressing all areas of accreditation keeping your quality manual up to date.[/feature] [/column] [column width=”1/3″ place=”last” ] [feature color=”gray” title=”Gain Confidence With Assessments” icon=”/wp-content/themes/r18labqms/images/r18_images/features_img_1.png”]With a standardized quality management system that keeps you prepared ahead of your assessment.[/feature] [/column] [column width=”full” place=”none” ][headline]R18LabQMS®: Path to an effective management system starts here[/headline][/column] [recent_pf limit=”4″] [column width=”full” place=”none” ]

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