

Upcoming software release: version 2.5 ASTM Quality Standards

Upcoming software release: version 2.5 ASTM Quality Standards

This upgrade, V2.5, has been a long time coming!

R18LabQMS is adding ASTM Quality Standards (QS) to the application to complement the current default standard, AASHTO R18. Until now, laboratories that have added ASTM QS have done so by adding custom sections within the quality manual tab. And while this has worked well for most, this new upgrade will make the process easier to manage, more intuitive and address all the requirements within each standard.

The target launch date is slated for February at which time we will inform all users.

The following ASTM Standard Specifications have been added and are treated as stand-alone QS:


Standard Specification For Minimum Requirements For Agencies Testing And Inspecting Road And Paving Materials


Standard Practice For Minimum Requirements For Agencies Engaged In Testing And/Or Inspection Of Soil And Rock As Used In Engineering Design And Construction

ASTM C1077

Standard Practice For Agencies Testing Concrete And Concrete Aggregates For Use In Construction And Criteria For Testing Agency Evaluation

ASTM C1093

Standard Practice For Accreditation Of Testing Agencies For Masonry


Standard Specification For Agencies Engaged In Construction Inspection, Testing, Or Special Inspection.

Aside from AASHTO R18, these are the most widely used standards within construction material laboratories, however, there are others that will be added to the R18LabQMS application in the future as demand requires.

Adding ASTM QS to your quality manual

This is done in one of two ways:

  1. If you’re new to R18LabQMS and you have completed the initial setup process you will click ‘Save Progress and Exit Setup’ (upper right corner), you will then be asked a question ‘Using Additional Quality Standards?  There, you will have the option to click/add ASTM QS along with their substandards. When adding these standards, they are treated as stand-alone QS. Please note: while R18 is the default, you will find similar matching sections within ASTM QS that will carry over from R18. An example of matching sections: Quality Management, D3666 section 8.1.2, R18 section 5.4.4  
  1. After you have passed the setup process you can then manage your ASTM QS by clicking the Manage Lab tab, then click edit Quality Standards on the left-hand column.

Once you have added QS to your account, they will be visible within the Quality Manual tab with any matching sections from R18 already populated.  

User Question

Q: Can I remove or edit equipment procedures that were added in error?

A: The short answer is, yes. There are a couple of ways to address this:

  1. If you made an error or forgot to attach a file to a procedure that was just completed, you can add an addendum to the procedure in question by going to the inventory tab. Find the piece of equipment with the procedure in question, click view, perform procedure, select procedure in question, bottom right procedure history, then click the completed procedure. There you will have two options: download PDF or + add addendum.
  2. If you would like to simply remove a completed procedure, click the procedure history tab, equipment category, equipment name, procedure type, then the specific procedure to be deleted by clicking x Remove. A cautionary note: when deleting a procedure, this is permanent.   


Once you work through the setup process, the following links can be found in the lower right-hand corner of the application.


Getting started with R18LabQMS and what we provide regarding training, both virtual and onsite. Before we dive into options, getting started happens within the setup process, it’s intuitive and follows the sections that require procedures within the management and technical sections. Each section within the setup process corresponds to sections in AASHTO R18. You can either type in the Procedure Itself or upload a file with the details of the procedure. I always tell labs during a demo it’s much like a ‘Turbo Tax’ experience.

Once you have completed the setup process, or wish to move on to the dashboard view, just click save progress and exit setup. It’s straightforward and intuitive.

Additional Training needed to jump-start the onboarding process: 

Virtual training

We target a specific area for training and limit the time to one hour. An example would be adding equipment procedures to your equipment. There is no charge for virtual training limited to one hour.

Onsite training

We spend one day in your laboratory to review all aspects of your quality manual and take a deep dive into R18labQMS implementation. This training is fee-based, please inquire. 

Upcoming Meetings and Sponsorship We will soon be Attending:

Mid-Atlantic Quality Assurance Workshop (QAW)

Charleston, West Virginia, February 7-9, 2023

2023 AASHTO re:source Technical Exchange

Fort Worth, Texas, March 27-30, 2023

Please check out our most recent promotional R18LabQMS video

For all questions regarding your Quality Management System, whether your lab is accredited or not, please contact us and learn how R18LabQMS can add value to your laboratory.

One last favor to ask, if there is a specific topic you would like to see in upcoming blog posts, please send us a note!

Gary Irvine
R18LabQMS Program Manager
