

Managing users and their roles

Managing users and their roles

One of the most common questions we receive is about user roles and their access to the application. We recently received a question from a user who was given the responsibility of managing their Quality Management System using R18LabQMS when the previous Primary Lab Manager (PLM) retired.

The new person responsible for the management of the QMS was previously in a technician role and not familiar with the  PLM role and management. Along with different roles presented within the application comes different views and access. Without training from the previous PLM – this person had questions. This user then requested training and guidance from the R18LabQMS team. Once we walked through the user roles, specifically the PLM access, the problem was solved.

Adding users

Initially, when an account is set up one PLM is added so they can begin the setup process and add users. When users are added they will receive an email from service@r18labqms.com with a link to create a password. Once a password has been created, users can then go to the login page to access the application.

Once users are added, roles can be changed only by the PLM, or lab manager (LM) roles. Descriptions of user roles can be found under the user tab within the application; click view, then edit user.

User roles and application views

Primary Lab Manager

Each primary lab will have at least one PLM who will have full access to manage and maintain the R18LabQMS software. PLMs are the only roles that have access to both the primary and satellite labs.

Lab Manager

The lab manager manages and maintains all features within the specific lab he/she has been added to.

Lab Technician

The lab technician has access to only the dashboard, procedure history, and QM (read-only and unable to open links) and can enter data and complete procedure calibrations or maintenance forms within the specific lab he/she has been added to.

Senior Manager

The senior manager can view with read-only access the procedure history, QM and internal audit reports for all labs within the company.


A non-user does not have access to the application. The best example of this role is a person that is part of the ownership and management structure within the company that does not work directly in the laboratory and would be included in the organizational chart. 

R18LabQMS User Question

Q:  When adding satellite labs, can I transfer/copy content from my Primary Lab Account?

A:  Yes, no problem! When you are going through the setup process for each satellite lab the content for that specific section will be the same as the Primary Lab account. You can then leave it the same or edit; this process brings standardization across all laboratories within your company. Also, once equipment procedures are created all labs have access to streamline this process as well.


Once you work through the setup process, the following links can be found in the lower right-hand corner of the application:
User Guide
 R18 Blog
• WebEx – Additional training, please let us know
• Onsite Training – Fee-based, please inquire

For all questions regarding your quality management system, whether your lab is accredited or not, please contact us and learn how R18LabQMS can add value to your company.

Upcoming sponsorships 

2020 AASHTO re:source Technical Exchange – March 23-26 in Minneapolis, MN

 – Gary Irvine
R18LabQMS Program Manager
